Department Evaluation

Evaluation 2015-2017

In the framework of the internal evaluation process, the Department compiled an internal evaluation report for the years 2015-2017 which was discussed and approved by the General Assembly (session 503/29-5-2018).

Evaluation 2004-2008

In the framework of the internal evaluation process, the Department compiled the 1st internal evaluation report for the years 2004-08 which was discussed and approved by the General Assembly in September 2009.

A brief presentation of the complete activities of the Department during the period 2004-09 is available here (in Greek).

The evaluation process for the Department of Physics of the University of Ioannina was completed in July 2010 with the visit of the External Evaluation Committee and the submission of the external evaluation report of the Department by the Hellenic Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency (Η.Q.Α.Α.Α.) of higher education.

The report is available here: External evaluation report of the Physics Department 2004-08, as well as from the website of Η.Q.Α.Α.Α.: Evaluation report of the Physics Department UI 2004-08

Annual inventory reports

The evaluation process of the Department is continuing via annual inventory reports (in Greek), which are available here.