
IMPORTANT: During the special measures period due to COVID-19,
seminars will be held by distance using MS Teams.
Virtual Team name: Σεμινάριο Τμήματος Φυσικής Παν/μίου Ιωαννίνων
(Virtual Team code: y5dp6mt )

Current seminars calendar (DOCX)


The institution of Physics Seminars is one of the oldest in our Department.
The institution is implemented with the invitation of researchers from Research Centers and Universities from Greece or abroad and presenting a lecture on a topic of their choice.
The topic of the lecture is usually within the recent research activities of the guest and is mainly addressed to the faculty members of the Department. But there are always students in the audience.

The seminars aim to provide the Department scientists with new ideas. They are indispensable for maintaining the research strength of the Department. It is worth noting that the Latin word seminarium, which comes from the term seminar, originally meant "nursery". Indeed, the seminar should serve as a nursery for ideas. For the success of the seminars several resources are needed, especially for the University of Ioannina which is somehow in a geographical isolation position. But the success of the Department's seminars is not only a matter of resources but also requires proper planning to attract speakers.

Physics Seminars are not just for the faculty members but also for interested students. It is worth noting that those seminars that attract a large audience of students are considered successful. This of course depends very much on the subject of the lecture. For the above reasons efforts are being made for seminars aimed at a wider audience and mainly students. In cases of special speeches an effort is made to have always a "general" part. The number of such general lectures cannot be large and are given by experienced researchers and teachers mainly from other domestic and foreign universities.